New Study: 49% Of Companies Have Stagnant Decision Styles – Can Technology Help?
New research finds that over half of companies surveyed have decision-making styles that obscure their decision results, causing decision-making processes to stagnate. By benchmarking these companies against high-performing peers, the study suggests a path to becoming learning organizations that instead optimize their decision-making over time.
How to integrate natural capital into business decision making
As society looks towards making decisions for the long-term prosperity of people, it is becoming more clear that organizations need a deeper understanding of the value of natural, social and human capital in order to have a stronger fact basis for decision making.
The Natural Capital Coalition brought together many competing initiatives to create one internationally accepted framework. Organizations can use this framework to incorporate the value of capitals into their everyday decision making.
Where Data-Driven Decision-Making Can Go Wrong
Let’s say you’re leading a meeting about the hourly pay of your company’s warehouse employees. For several years it has automatically been increased by small amounts to keep up with inflation. Citing a study of a large company that found that higher pay improved productivity so much that it boosted profits, someone on your team advocates for a different approach: a substantial raise of $2 an hour for all workers in the warehouse. What would you do?
2024: The Year Start-Ups Learn To Do More With Less
Whether we’ll actually face a full-blown recession in 2024 is anyone’s guess.
However, perception is often more important than reality, and if CEO attitudes are anything to go by it’s best to hunker down just in case. Based on the Conference Board’s survey, 72% of CEOs are preparing for a recession. The Chief Executive Group found similarly muted views, with 90% of CEOs expecting economic conditions to worsen or stay as they are.
What Is Scenario Planning And Why It Matters In Business
Businesses use scenario planning to make assumptions about future events and how their respective business environments may change in response to those future events. Therefore, scenario planning identifies specific uncertainties – or different realities and how they might affect future business operations. Scenario planning attempts at better strategic decision making by avoiding two pitfalls: underprediction and overprediction.
Business Simulations Can Be A Powerful Tool For Leadership Development
According to research by John Kenworthy and Annie Wong, simulations and games “significantly increases participant enjoyment and perceived usefulness — suggesting that engagement in the learning activity is higher and that practice in using skills in a realistic (simulated) setting is fundamental in transferring the learning to the workplace.